Monday 31 January 2011

Saturday 29 January 2011

Southwark Cathedral

Wonderful place for a London Welsh Male Voice Choir concert 7pm Sat 29/1 Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Friday 28 January 2011

Hello Kerry - good to hear from you!

Hello Kerry – it’s lovely to hear from you!  Hope you are well and enjoying the sun like me!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Hooray for Danielle!

Spike is jumping for joy because Danielle got an award for being a good citizen - she deserves it, he says!
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Spike says hello to Danielle

Hello Danielle!
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Monday 10 January 2011

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I feel like an old mountain goat!
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View towards Rennes le Chateau, French Pyrennees, on a beautiful day for walking!
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Friday 7 January 2011

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Walking in Rennes les Bains, Languedoc
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Saturday 1 January 2011

Santa punished

Shocked at the punishment meted out to Santa for delivering the wrong present!

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Looking over Esperaza towards Pech de St Ferriol
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