Tuesday 22 March 2011

Daffodils round Cate's Caff

Thought about calling this Cate's Caffs Daffs but that would be silly!
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Friday 18 March 2011

Family visits Saigon

My Mam, sister and niece loved the hustle and bustle of Saigon with all their bikes and scooters!

Sunday 6 March 2011

Cardiff Concert

A gathering of choirs at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff - beautiful sound!
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Saturday 5 March 2011


Spring is for daffodils - a perfect reminder of Wales and my home!
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Thursday 3 March 2011

I told them not to go to Borneo!

I told my Mam, sister and niece not to visit Borneo on their world cruise!  Would they listen?